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Sunday 30 January, 2022

Randomized Content from database in WIX Website


Randomized Content

Create a database with content to filter

If you don't have one already, create a database collection to save your information that will be auto randomized. (Learn how to create database)


In our example, we created a database collection called 'quote' with the following fields:

  • Announcement (Text field)

  • Author (Text field)

We made sure to adjust the database settings / permissions to 'Anyone' can view content.

Follow the Video tutorial:

Add the code to your page

import wixData from 'wix-data';
let randomActivate = true;

$w.onReady(async function () {

 $w("#randomDataset").onReady(async () => {

  console.log("Activate random dataset.");
 let database = $w('#randomDataset').getTotalCount(); //This line gets the total count
 let mixon = Math.floor(Math.random() * database); //This line begins randomizing code
   .then(() => {
 //You can use this section to do something else after the code finishes randomizing
    console.log("Randomizing is complete.");
 let file = $w("#randomDataset").getCurrentItem();
 let label =; //This line gets the current author
    $w("#randomQuoteLabel").label = label; //This line labels our button


function random(items) {
 var settings = items.length, randomize, index;
 while (0 !== settings) {
    index = Math.floor(Math.random() * settings);
    settings -= 1;
    randomize = items[settings];
    items[settings] = items[index];
    items[settings] = randomize;
 return items;


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